Sunday, November 23, 2008

dear reality fighters

I have an appreciation for crazy as much as the next person.  Hell, I've had my mother on all fours, meowing like a cat at me before.  Seriously.

For that reason, and with the greatest respect, I prefer to confine the crazy to my physical reality.  

I don't believe in conspiracies, I don't think that that the human race is evolving towards some superhuman collective conscience, I don't care for any drama other than the sort that chooses to land on my doorstep.  The one with the bell.  That I can hear when it rings.

So, roll on how you wish peeps, but I prefer to stay firmly ensconced in my own comfortable online world of navel gazing.  


fingers said...

OK, well if you don't need my cats for your 30th...can I please borrow your mum for my cats' 2nd birthday party...

La Femme said...

For sure! It's quite a show.

I'll arrange for a special video message or something.

Anonymous said...

I also prefer my crazies where I can see them; there are a loooootta loonies out in cyberland lately. I don't think crushed is one of them but there are others, believe me, there are others.....

Ms Smack said...

lol @ fingers!! You have no shame!! haha

I completely agree with your post La Femme. Completely.

I've got enough real life crazies keeping me busy as opposed to online persona non grata.

Gawd, who has the time!~

I'm barely able to post once in a awhile, let alone much more.

kimba said...

this doesn't sound good..


good luck with the crazies combatting, pet..

x said...

what brought this about?
i have my own brand of crazy to promote too. but if there is another brand someone has been parading on the internet i'd like to see it at least so i can go back to mine happy and assured.

La Femme said...

SK: There are loads aren't there Katie-kate. I don't know whether or Crushed is a crazy, but I am fairly confident that he and I don't reside on the same planet.

Ms Smack: Ditto. Who has time, indeed? I would much rather be spending the free time I have having facials, back massages and the like. I like to just, you know, chillax.

Kimba: Thanks chooken. I'm a pacifist though. They'll be no fightin' here.

Chloe: There is just some funny eggs about! Heheh, I like your brand of crazy. x

Judith said...

The one thing that crushed has said that was worth my while was pointing me to your blog. You are an excellent read.

La Femme said...

vicariousrising: thanks pet! that's lovely.