Wednesday, November 5, 2008

dear america (and anybody else)

I have spent the last 18 months of my life following the presidential campaign of Barack Obama.  I am Australian, and a political nerd.

Notwithstanding. Please let this be the day when history is made and where I won't have to worry that some renegade is going to bomb the fuck out of Iran in the short to medium future.  

I believe I am privileged to have seen this race being run.  That this period will be a defining moment in history, for better or worse. 

Barack Obama for President.  Please, please, please, please, please.

If the McCain/Palin ticket succeeds, I will be going in to a period of mourning for an indeterminate period of time.


Crushed said...

I agree.

The world is going to be a new world tomorrow.

It's a start. Best thing thats happened politically for a long time. And i'm sure he's going to win. I'm actually quite excited about it. So much so I'm thinking about what to write already.

Anonymous said...

If the Republicans keep power, you and I can both go hide under a big rock and mourn. My tummy has butterflies about today, I just want to read those words: Barack Obama is IN!!!!

LẌ said...

Whoever wins, the campaign for 2012 starts tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Well, we don't need that rock now honey - we need a drink and a party hat!

fromtheworld said...

He did! he won! it is amazing! I hoped it would happen, but I never thought it could really happen!!! I am so happy!

La Femme said...

Crushed: Well we agree on one thing. I suspect it will be the first and the last!

SK: ISN'T IT FANTASTIC!!!! It's been over 24 hours since the announcement and i am delighted - but emotionally drained!

XL: Yes, politics is an unrelenting game, that's for sure. But, in this case, I am going to try and live in the moment and hope some of the wrongs of the last 8 years can be put right.

FTW: I still had my nagging doubts too...but he did. And we are all better off for it : )

Wait. What? said...

Change is good - and my hopefullness in America and that change is renewed after this election!

x said...

yay, you won't have to go into mourning!

Fusion said...

I sure breathed a big sigh of relief when the announcement was made. I just wish he could start early before Bush fucks up anything else...

Wait. What? said...

Amen to this! I did my part!


eric1313 said...

To bad the President Elect does not get to devour the incumbent, because ElBusho does indeed have enough time to destroy the word as we know it.

Wonderful to meet you! I found your blog because of Crushed.