At an individual level, I have certainly not helped things with the purchase of my un-environmentally friendly air conditioner, which I collected today.
In my defence, the bloody thing had the highest "green" stars, but apparently that is not enough.
As we were trying to lift the box up the stairs today, it caught my toenail and it ripped it right off. My big toe nail. Freshly pedicured and polished toe nail. Hanging by a thread.
Very painful. Very disgusting.
Fuck you Environment. Fuck you very much.
OUCH!!! OUCH! Ow reading it made me cringe! I hope you feel better soon.
You should leave these things to deliver people... I just flutter y eye lids and look helpless and I got a washing machine taken up to my 4th floor flat..I am sure you are better looking than me.
ew, take a photo so we can all ew at your toe.
That hurts like a mofo!
Esp if you have to wear shoes!
Ouch !!!
That will sting like a bitch when the cold air hits it...
YEOW! You know that scream that Bugs Bunny does? that's what I'm thinking it would have felt like.
Hope it feels better soon :(
ewwwwww - that sounds awful!
bastard air conditioner.
so now you have a giant, ugly toe, huh?
you'd best treat yourself to something nice to wear, slinky and cool - and turn your air-con up to maximum. that'll teach it!
Cringing over here!
DAMN, that would hurt...
At least you have the cool air to relax by, hope it helps.
hmm.. environemntally sound air-conditioning idea.. Move to Melbourne.. it's fucking freezing.
oucho on the toenail thing..
but - the macabre side of me wants to see a piccie.. huh.. huh.. can we see one??
Cat: Very, very, very ouch! Thanks - its not hurting so much now.
MTD: Yes, it will be the first and last time that I try to move electrical appliances.
Ms Smack: I would need to be able to look at it to take the photo and I'm not quite at that stage. Still bandaged up. Luckily i'm on holidays now and will not be wearing shoes for a while.
Fingers: I have found the fucking stupid air conditioner quite comforting, actually.
SK: Thanks Katie Kate. It was pretty vile.
TP: Excellent, excellent advice. :)
Fuse: It's helping, thanks :)
Kimba: If it wasn't for the boy, I'd move to Melbourne in a flash! I think that the image of my decimated toe might be too much even for the most macabre! x
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