Monday, September 8, 2008

today has been okay

I books, I Phones, E Bay, I Tunes, I Store, E Sure, My Space, Blogging, Phishing, Spoofing, Spamming, I Pods, E get the picture.

I was contemplating last night, the way in which technology has affected my life. I can listen to what I want, communicate with whomever I want, buy whatever I need and play out the narrative in my own blog daily all with the touch of a few buttons.

Take MySpace, I can have my favourite music, photographs, friends, movies, books, food and cultural leanings all nicely packaged up and given their own web address. It's a blank canvass for me to show the world who I am. I can choose a background, a soundtrack and even organise my beloveds in to their rightful "Top 8" order. How fabulous!

Now, I like to think that I am pretty unapolagetic about who I am. I may not always be happiness and light, but I am confident and comfortable in my own skin. However, do even the most confident and self assured fall prey to self censorship and creative licence? Do we create our own electronic personalities, which become so ingrained in us that it's hard to tell where our virtual reality starts and ends? Hmmm, I am unsure if I am in a position to answer my own question, after all, my technological renaissance came circa. 1985 with a Beta video player and an Alaskan pen pal.

Pondering these big issues has suitably distracted me from my current predicaments.  Weary.  


Fusion said...

You're behind the times already La Femme, you can organize your top friends in more than groups of eight now ;)

Love the song, it's in regualr rotation on my iPod.

Anonymous said...

Happened to wander over to your blog... really enjoyed your last couple of posts. :)

Yup, we have all become so dependent on technology... we can't even imagine a day without any of it.

Anonymous said...

You ask very good questions!!

Do we become our online personalities? Well...when I first started on blogger I used to call myself 'betty boob hug' (it makes me laugh and cringe now) but I was playing a bit of a character and definitely made myself out to be far more extroverted, cheeky and bold than I really am. I felt like after a while though that it was all just silly. I was writing stuff and talking about really flirty things when my real life was about as conservative and BORING as you could imagine. And it just got old.
But even now, that I write far more from my heart and less for the entertainment value...I'm still only a bit of who I am.
It's the same for most of us....we say only what we want to say and if somebody leaves a challenging comment to me..I know that how I respond to them on print is different (less confident) than how I'd be in real life. I love a lot of things about blogging but sometimes I think people pigeon-hole you and they start to think they 'know' you when all they really know is what you've put out there for them to read.

I'm warbling, sorry!

I know everyone complains a lot about the technology but we'd all miss it if it wasn't here.